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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can you hear that sizzle??

It's coming from my eyesockets, the place my once beautiful blue eyes used to reside. I'm going to miss them now that they've been burned from my eyesockets by the emotionally scarring scene I witnessed today.....

It was a morning like every other morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, I was met outside the building at my car by disgruntled employees...... (Yeah, I REALLY need to evaluate why I continue to work here.)

So, I'm in transit to the front door with Mary in tow, listening against my will as she tells me, AGAIN, for the millionth time about her chronic sinus pain, while I silently cry out about my chronic ear pain, when IT happened. The life scarring events that I'm about to reveal.

Seeing that I'm outside the building talking to Mary, Helen comes my way to ask me a question. The day is slightly breezy, but not enough to actually say it is windy. Helen is all dressed up, complete with a flower circle in her hair and a sheer and flowing skirt. (In case you're wondering, she's headed to a Banjo Picker concert this afternoon to fulfill her groupie duties.)

Seeing Helen, and my chance to escape the chronic ear pain, I head toward Helen to see what was up.

Unfortunately, I was completely unprepared for what was up!

A gust of wind blew Helen's skirt up around her armpits exposing much more of Helen than I had ever intended to see in my entire life.

The horror!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Tell me you got a pic! ;)

LOL @ Banjo Picker - is he a circus performer lol.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Read This said...

Granny panties? Thong? Crotchless? Commando? What is it a banjo picker groupie wears under a flowing skirt? I need to know. Hehe.

10:57 AM  
Blogger W. C. Jack said...

I'm guessing commando. Do pubes turn grey? or is she a shavin' mavin'?

11:08 AM  
Blogger Will said...

Don't tell me !! She's got a dick !!

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO not only at your eyes sizzling but your comments!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

gareth, believe me, you WOULDN'T want to see a pic! And the Banjo Picker is a local musician she just absolutely loves. So far, I've seen 4 rolls of film and heard the story of how he called her at 10:00pm one night to let her know about today's performance.

Thomas, LOL! You crack me up! Ok, prepare yourself, commando! (Kidding!!!) Pink granny panties that literally blew in the wind they were so huge. Ack!! I'm forever scarred.

jack, thankfully, I was unable to discern any of that horrifying information. Although, I do know that the pubes do turn grey when you get old. I was told that by Elizabeth in one day, it's amazing the things you learn from the elderly. Yikes!

ben, God help me, that's something I never want to find out. LOL!!

I think when I screamed out "OH MY GOD! Helen!" and averted my eyes away from her I may have pulled an eye muscle. It hurts to blink.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

nevada girl, the comments are usually the best part. LOL!!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Granny panties are just the craziest, ain't they? No wonder your life is forever changed!

7:06 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Granny panties. Woo Hoo.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

LOL!!! OMG! That is too much... I'll start a collection for your eye replacement, LOL!!!

8:34 AM  

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