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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A BK Breakfast

I am the type of person who is entirely too nice to people who do not deserve it.

As is my habit, if I stop to get myself something to eat before work, I always make sure I have brought enough for everyone. It is extremely uncomfortable for me to eat in front of people, especially if I know they will all be watching me.

This morning, however, I was starving, and almost completely broke. I knew as, I was sitting in line at the drive thru, I would regret the decision to get myself a quick bite and try to sneak to my desk.

As expected, the plan blew right up in my face. I work with vultures who continually circle around looking for freebies.

Trying to be as low key as possible, I quietly slipped past the receiving department, only to have my name screamed out in a frantic panic by one of the floor people from one of the production cells.

"Sherri! Sherri!! I've been waiting for you to get here!" she yelled, waving a bag of parts. All eyes were now upon me and my breakfast. Literally, one of the receivers even asked where her sandwich was.

Now, you would think these people would see me standing there, purse over shoulder, BK bag and pop in hand, and think 'why don't I let Sherri get settled and I'll come to her desk with my issue.'

Not the case!

For 30 minutes I stood, in the exact spot I had been stopped at, and listened as a floor person explained in exact detail the 9 million steps it took her to discover that a bag of components had been placed on the wrong cart by one of the receivers. All the while she eyeballed my possessions, I'm certain she was doing it on purpose, so when I finally got a chance to eat my sandwich would be cold.

If that wasn't bad enough, right behind her was one of the receivers, God forbid I actually make it to my desk one day before one of them can have a complete mental breakdown on my shoulders, it just wouldn't be right! So, there I stand still as she tells the tail of her husbands blocked arteries and his risk of stroke.

Mentally I was screaming 'What the hell is wrong with you people?? Do you not have enough respect for me to at least allow me to get to my desk and set my possessions down??'

Then it hit me, they don't. It's a Me Me Me society, no matter what it is that you are doing or thinking, it means nothing to them unless it benefits them in some way. Who cares if you are waiting to eat your breakfast, the real issue is, why didn't you buy them anything to eat?? How dare you show up to work and buy only enough for yourself to eat!


Blogger W. C. Jack said...

I would have just said "I'll get to you in a few minutes", and turn around and step....


10:57 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jack, I WISH I could be more like that! I'm just too damn nice for my own good...

11:21 AM  
Blogger Vodka Absolut said...

I wish I was like that too, I buy candy and have a candy dish sitting out. If I buy chocolate, it's gone in two days. Do you think any of them offer to buy a bag or two to help? no.

I don't know why I do it either, I barely touch it when it's sitting on my desk.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

vodka, that's the part that kills me. I ALWAYS bring in donuts or bagels or muffins for everyone, just once I would like someone else to bring something in. I think, after a while, it just becomes expected of you.

1:43 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

That's exactly what I think when people ask me questions in the bathroom. could there BE a less appropriate time to talk to me?!?!

5:38 PM  

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