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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Lazy Day

I know I'll regret it, but because I've been sicker then a dog, I've put off cleaning all the offices until tomorrow. That is going to totally put a damper on the whole day. I was soooo close to quitting last week after the chewing gum incident.

Yes, that's right. Chewing gum incident.

The moment I found myself on all fours picking bug infested chewing gum from where it had been embedded into the carpet I knew this job was not for me. The tough thing is, I really like the owner of the cleaning business, and her husband is a business manager where I work. I really get along with him as well, I don't want to leave them in the lurch. Plus, it's an extra $220 a month. Think of all the lipgoss and shoes I can buy with that mad money.

On a different note, I have discovered something today. It takes a certain specialness to be able to efficiently operate a can of spray deodorant, my gene pool did not carry that trait, unfortunately.

Of the many things I was told the day of the 'armpit' episode, one had particularly caught my interest. Someone had mentioned perhaps I should switch to a spray deodorant because she had also been afflicted with something similar and found that by using spray deodorant, the chances of ingrowns become less because there is no build up of chemicals under the arms.

Skeptical as I was, I decided to at least give it a try. What the heck, right??


So far, I've sprayed the crap in my mouth, eyes, and hair. When I was finally able to actually get the deodorant to spray into my armpits, I had to open the windows just to keep myself from getting white lung. It's amazing the cloud that appears after use.

There should be a surgeons general warning on the label - 'Warning, use of this product can induce blindness, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, death.'


Blogger Will said...

I bet you scared the shit out of hubby when you showed him that warning.

4:34 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

There are not to many things more gross than ABC gum.

9:49 AM  

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