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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Starbucks Coffee Scandal

Today was Joe's last day of work, believe it or not, I'm sad to see him go. I think I may even miss the insects flying over the wall at me.....

He had tears in his eyes when I had to leave today. I had paged him to his desk, blue teddy bear in hand. When he rounded the corner I explained to him that I didn't want to leave without first wishing him luck and telling him good bye. I handed him the bear and told him to keep a good eye on him, and, he'd better keep him on his new desk because he loved to be seen.

That was when it happened. His eyes were moist, and all he could do was smile. We hugged for about the 7th time that day, and I had to go. I was about to cry, myself.

Damn him!

I hate when friends leave, I've seen so many people come and go over the years. It never gets any easier.

Alas, there ends the chapter in my life where I had been terrorized by Joe.

Now, for the Starbucks Coffee Scandal.

I stopped at Starbucks this morning to pick up a few things for Joe as a good luck/going away gift. Julie, Helen, and I had all pitched in so the gift would be from US, the 'thugs'.

The instant I arrived at work this morning Mary yells over at me and asks if the coffee was for her. I wanted to shoot her. Not only were we mere feet from Joe's desk, I wouldn't buy her coffee if my life depended on it. The whole BK thing that happened a few months ago have really tainted me on that subject.

So, in a hushed tone, I say 'no, the coffee is for Joe, I picked up a little something for him as a departure gift.' I left it at that and hurried to my desk.

Not wanting the coffee to get cold, I had Helen page Joe to the area while I showed the girls what I had picked up.

-A gift card for $10 at Starbucks
-A bag of house blend ground coffee
-One of the metal coffee cups that have been all the rage around the place
-And, of course, a large cup of fresh, hot coffee

Mary was at my desk before the phone even hit the cradle from Helen's page. I wanted to absolutely choke her.

What the hell??

Joe heads through the door, because we had paged him there, with Audrey hot on his heels. Now I had 2 of them in there! I could have choked them both.

The gift was NOT from them! What were they doing there.

So, I tell Joe 'The Thugs' and I had picked up a little something for him as a going away gift, I hoped he would like everything.

He was touched, you could see it. Smiling big, he looked at me, I don't think he was able to talk actually. Walking over to me, he tells me to stand up and gives me a bear hug. Then I was unable to talk, I was just so happy he liked everything.

Then he proceeded to thank everyone, AUDREY and MARY included. I wanted to choke them. In no way were they a part of it!!! Yet, there they were, taking all the credit.

Joe left the area none the wiser, I wasn't about to say anything about it. I looked at Helen, and I looked at Julie the instant Mary and Audrey left the area and I told them we knew the truth and that was all that mattered.

I sound like a scathing bitch, I realize, but I don't care.

Mary and Audrey weren't close to Joe like Helen, Julie, and I were. They can just kiss my ass.

Before I had a chance to even finish my thought Mary had appeared back at my desk with a handful of cash. Apparently they had decided to take up a quick collection for Joe's gift.

Not only did I NOT ASK for a collection, I didn't want them to be a part of it on purpose. Here they are, throwing cash at me so they can say they are.

It just burns me right up!

Some people have nerve.... What a completely tasteless and low class thing to do.


Blogger tsduff said...

Starbucks is the perfect gift - how frustrating to have others horn in on your farewell to Joe. It is truly hard to find good friends at work :-(

Oh - and I tagged you on my blog

6:38 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

They're a couple of leaches!

8:05 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

I hate people like that who try to take credit, you should have got him a card too and just the three of you signed it, then he would have realised.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Just goes to show, you can't buy class.
We have a *b* here at work like that. Considering there are just a few of us, that amounts to a BIG pain in our backsides. I wish I worked with you, you sound like a you are fun to be around.
You never know, his replacement may be a hottie (O.K. can't blame me for trying)*wink*

9:04 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

terry, I'll head on over to take a look!

phoenix, I totally agree... I'm secretly devising a way to get even with them.

pixie, I didn't even consider a card, I wish I had, it would have been a great idea.

big mama, Nope, the replacement is definitely not a hottie. :( I wish I worked with you as well, I bet we'd have a blast.

9:22 AM  

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