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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

What's good for the goose..................

I'm currently 'fit to be tied', as my grandmother would put it. My boss has just asked me to work Saturday to cover the production floor. Apparently the production manager does not like working every Saturday because of childcare issues, so she has asked the operations manager to work out a rotating schedule. How is it fair of her to ask her people to work every single Saturday, and in return she gets off whenever she wants? If I were on her line, I'd be pissed.

#1 reason why I'm not the correct candidate for the job.

I'm clueless to their processes!

#2 reason why I'm not the correct candidate for the job.

I don't have a single key to anything in this building. How am I going to open/close the shop? Do I have a clue about the alarm system? Ummmm.......Not!

#3 reason why I'm not the correct candidate for the job.

Would you want to work for someone whom you felt to be totally clueless? Hell no, neither would I. How could I expect them to even take me seriously.


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