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Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Joys of Being a Parent

Don't they look so sweet?? Those are my boys, sitting side by side on Christmas morning, working together to open all of their gifts from Santa.

Too bad that peaceful contented brotherly bond only exists about 3 minutes a year!!

I still recall how smart I thought I was, having Thomas 8 years after Zachary was born. I was certain I had outsmarted the system. I wouldn't have to worry about kids fighting over things and sibling rivalry, there was way too much of an age difference.

I was so wrong!! I am here to say it only gets worse the bigger the age difference. The oldest one will forever resent the youngest one for taking away his parents undivided attention. And the youngest one, he will always be trying to foil the oldest ones plans, no matter what they might happen to be.

It still amazes me how my 11 year old and 3 year old find things they can fight over. 'Thomas is drinking pop Mom', 'Zach hit me', 'Thomas is getting into the cupboard', 'Zach took my toy'. It literally drives me insane!!

Yet, they can do such cute things, when nobody is looking, of course. Like, Thomas giving Zach the rest of his candy bar. Or, Zach putting Thomas on his lap so he can watch a DVD on his portable DVD player.

Being a parent is the most amazing thing. I'm amazed I haven't gone clinically insane, amazed my kids haven't killed each other yet, and amazed that I was able to create something so special to me. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

The thing I regret the most is not becoming a father...

7:44 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

It's not too late Tom. You're still young, lots of people are having kids in their 40's now.

10:41 AM  

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