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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Day in the Life of Sherri

Scene: Zachary, Thomas, and I are sitting in Subway, eating subs for dinner. (I've recently gotten onto a 'healthier living kick'. Thursday used to be pizza night, it is now Subway night.)
  • Zachary {talking with mouth full} Are you 32 mom?
  • Sherri {pulling hair out by the root trying to get Thomas to sit still and eat} Yes, I am. Why do you ask?
  • Zachary {taking humongous bite of sandwich then proceeding to talk once again with his mouth full} Because your old. Are you going to die?
  • Sherri {mouth agape} Am I going to die? I'm not that old. {shooting Zachary look} Quit talking with your mouth full.
  • Thomas {mayonnaise all over the outside of his mouth} You're old mom? {this phrase is repeated several times}
  • Sherri {looking at Thomas} Yes, Thomas, your mom is old. Zach, do you suppose you could help me to my walker? It's time to change my depends.
  • Zach {laughing} You're funny.
  • Sherri {sticking tongue out} The best thing about getting old is bossing your kids around.

The scene ends as the woman sitting in the booth next to us starts to laugh, and agrees with me. We parents have got to stick together!


Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I always thought the best part was embarrassing your kids.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

It isnt hard at all to embarras kids hee.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I'm ten years older than my sister, and I actually started to say to her one day, "When I was your age..."

She interrupted with, "Yeah, yeah. And then the glaciers receded and formed the Great Lakes."

12:04 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, that's a good part too!

pixie, that is so true. Of course, it isn't all that hard to embarrass me either. LOL

ranea, oh, thats a good one! I'll have to remember that!

jessica, LOL! I can so see here doing that, too.

8:06 AM  

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