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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Excuse me while I enjoy the cool air.....

Yes, that is correct. After 4 months of me complaining about the snow, and cold, and lack of sun I'm here to complain about the heat!

Imagine that!!

It has been so darned hot and muggy here, great for my hair, bad for my make up. I thought for sure I was going to melt into the folding chairs at Megan's (Charlie's niece) open house today, thank God the festivities took place beneath a tent. I get so envious when I attend these things, they've got their whole lives still ahead of them. I secretly pray they don't make the same mistakes I've made, and that they truly enjoy their life.

I was in the midst of one of these thoughts when we happened across Bill and Judy, Megan's grandparents, Charlie's former boss. Such incredibly nice people. Standing there, reintroducing the boys to each of them once again while they marveled at how big they were getting, Judy commented aloud on something that left me speechless.

"Sherri, you've got such a beautiful family," she said. It left me speechless. Not once had I ever thought of my family as beautiful. I smiled, and thanked her for her kind words.

But it made me hurt, inside. I felt horrible and rotten, I wanted to see my family in the same way that she seen them. Instantly I was berating myself for being overly critical, overly compulsive about perfection, overly concerned about what others thought.

Because, as I stood there, looking at the same people she was looking at, I was seeing Charlie wearing work jeans and a t-shirt with fishing lures screen printed on it. I had scolded him on the way there for not wearing a decent outfit. Zach was unconsciously pushing me out of his way so he could stand next to his Dad, forcing Thomas and myself to stand behind everyone. I looked down at Thomas and seen a shy, pouting little boy hiding his face in my leg. It was already understood that he would be clinging to me for dear life, sucking every last ounce of life out of me before we left.

Thankfully you can't see all that in a smile.

Anyway, on with the post! After I peeled myself from the folding chairs at the open house, Charlie mentioned he should set up the air conditioner today. One of my gifts for my birthday was a window unit air conditioner that would go in my bedroom.

Definitely one of the best gifts I could get.

As most of you know I get really overheated when the weather turns warm. I can't wait until tonight, nothing like a nice cool nights sleep.


Blogger rollinghillsrunner said...

8 pm and still 86 degrees at my house in the middle of Emmet county. We have a unit in our bedroom window and one for the kids, otherwise you know where they would be. Not stupid at all. My wife was crabby til I sent her to her room. Hah! Enjoy your blog.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

OOOoooooh I hope that you get a great nights sleep in the cool. I thought only us Brits complained about the weather though ?

8:45 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

slowrunner, you're right around the corner from me in emmet county! You're right, I definitely should have gotten one for the kids too. Both of them, camped right out on my floor.

pixie, I complain constantly! LOL

10:13 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

In Houston, it's the beginning of a long, hot summer. I would absolutely DIE without a/c. In my car, I can't get it cold enough. Anytime I'm outside, I can't w.a.i.t to get back to my apt where it's a frosty 68 degrees. I can't imagine a place that doesn't have a/c.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Long summer days have been going on here for a while and my electric bills are feeling it. Ouch!!

11:13 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

It was nice and cool here today. We didn't even break into 100 degrees as it has been all week. Soo refreshing.

11:25 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

One of your best blog posts ever. Truthful, insightful, and so very real world. Thanks.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

OMG! My fellow bloggers who live in Texas, I don't know how you do it! The heat would kill me, swear to God.

ben, such a sweet comment. :D Thanks!

thomas, you know, I read it over after I posted it, and thought I had rambled on too much.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

7:54 AM  

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