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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Garage Sales and Cloth Hubcaps

I can tell it's going to be a stressful day when the production managers meeting slides downhill after only mere minutes.

Today is one of those days.

30 seconds into the meeting we were all discussing garage sales and giant bra's. I couldn't stop laughing because, for once, Jim was right! I've never been to a garage sale that didn't have giant women's underclothing folded neatly on a table somewhere.

Now, just where exactly do you find stuff like that? And, if you have found it, why would you buy it?? I once went to a yard sale at a very petite elderly woman's house who had an entire table covered with the stuff. Not to mention, if you don't have any intentions on wearing it, what makes you think anyone else will?

As usual the production manager meeting ended up being the most immature 45 minutes of my entire day. It's amazing how many uses you can think of for a giant bra when a group of managers brainstorm! Everything from cloth hubcaps to parasails.


Blogger Jay Noel said...

I don't understand why a garageseller would put women's undergarments out on a table for sale.


9:57 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, it does boggle the mind, doesn't it. :D

11:37 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

If you're really poor and you have a really huge rack, you might consider it, right? A little bleach, maybe some delouser (just in case), and you're good to go.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

LOL.Love the uses!
I would never ever buy used underwear I would rather go commando!
I have never been to a garage sale either, I think they are my kind of place . I love going through other peoples junk!

2:16 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jessica, I would go naked before I wore a grage sale bra. Ack!!!

pixie, if you love going through other peoples junk, you would LOVE garage sales. You never know what you are going to find. One of the other production managers stopped at a garage sale one time for a WWII vet, he had 18 brand new right foot shoes lined up. (He lost his right leg in battle.)

4:00 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

New right shoes, LOL!!! I used to like garage sales then I realized that their junk soon became my junk. It did come in handy when the kids were little. People sell Little Tyke brand stuff dirt cheap. Bleach and a good scrub brush and my kids would play with it for a very long time. Of course then it was my turn to sell... Never bought a ginormous bra or panties though...

8:02 AM  

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