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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Visit with Hattie

I couldn't have been more shocked on Thursday when Zach called me at work to let me know that Hattie was at my house, she had just pulled into town from Tennessee. Apparently her dad was going to be going into the hospital on Friday to have a stint put in his heart and balloon angioplasty.

We ended up making plans for her to come on out to the house today to spend the day, I'm so glad she did. This is the first time I've seen my niece and nephew in 3 years, It was Christmas time 3 years ago that they were last in Michigan. I couldn't believe how thick their southern accents were! It's hard to believe that they ever lived here, it kind of cracks me up.

Naturally the conversation turned to my brother almost immediately. He had decided to leave Florida and move to Tennessee, this much I knew. What I didn't know, but Hattie filled me in on, was the fact that he showed up on their doorstep (that would be Hattie and her current HUSBAND) with nowhere to go and no money. Feeling sorry for him, Hattie's husband offered him a place to stay until he got back on his feet. Big mistake! Before they knew it, my Mother was down there as well, suddenly talking about moving to Tennessee.

I hate to say it, but I find it awfully hard to believe I am a part of that family. What is even more amazing is the fact that they treat me poorly because I refused to settle for a white trash life style and pulled myself up out of that cycle of life. It's sad, really.

What can I say, though. It's their loss.

After hearing what Hattie has been putting up with, Charlie and I decided to give Hattie the transaction number to claim the money that I had wired my brother. I still can't believe he never picked it up, or even called back to ask about it. At least by giving the money to Hattie I know she'll put it to good use for her family, which makes me feel good.


Blogger Jessica said...

Your nieces and nephews probably couldn't believe how thick your Midwestern accent was. ;)

2:23 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Hattie sounds like a saint.

11:59 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jessica, you're probably right.

fuzzbox, she's definitely one of a kind.

5:29 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

The ongoing brother saga... We need to make up some "Hattie Rules" t-shirts.

10:17 AM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Keep us all "posted" on the next chapter... as the brother turns... :-D

8:40 PM  

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