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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

An Omen of the day before me?

Not sure how the rest of the sane world around me operates, but I view things as identifiers, omens, insights to the day ahead.

If I start the day with an excellent hair day, I'm sure to have an excellent day. If I poke my eye with my mascara wand, I'm certain to have a day full of constant surprise fiascoes. It never fails.

This morning started out ok, I woke up on time, had a clean towel for my shower, didn't have to wait for anything to come out of the dryer before I could get dressed. Then it happened, the Omen, the indicator of my day. Standing in my closet, getting dressed for the day, I reach for my deodorant and begin to apply.

(Yes, I'm fully aware of how crazy it sounds that I keep my deodorant on the closet shelf. It's just so easy to forget to put it on if it's in the bathroom. I don't like to put it on unless I'm already wearing my bra, and if I wait until I'm fully dressed I constantly forget to put it on.)

So, there I am, deodorant in mid application, when the solid portion of the deodorant falls out of the applicator and crumbles into the floor. Ugh!!!!

You know you have sunk to new lows when you find yourself salvaging deodorant crumbles from the floor to apply to your pits.

Sad, but true.


Blogger Big Mama said...

LOL!!! I hate to admit that I've been there, done that, LOL!!! Sad, very sad but true... I apply mine after I put my top on. I am afraid of leaving deoderant lines on the outside of my shirt. Talk about overthinking some things, huh?

I take it as "at least you've got deodorant ON" that is a great day in my opinion...

8:42 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

big mama, so glad to know I'm not the only one out there!!!! :D

9:04 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I, too, put deoderant on after my shirt. Otherwise, I end up with white marks on the outside of my shirt.

Yes, I've considered the clear stuff, but it never seems to work as well.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Pixie said...

Yes I have been there too....

12:25 PM  

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