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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Raspberry Jelly Donuts and Boobs

There's just something in the air these days, every conversation seems to be focusing on bras and boobs. (Removing clothing has come up quite a few times as well.)

I've decided I need to keep an eye out on Jim, he's up to no good. For some unknown reason he showed up at my desk today with 3 jelly donuts, one for Helen, Julie, and I. Now, any other person in the plant I would have probably accepted the donut and not thought twice about it, but for Jim, not the case. Jim always has a reason for everything he does. Somewhere down the line, he'll be telling me "remember those jelly donuts I brought you the other day? Well, this is what I need....."

So, I'll bet your wondering what that has to do with boobs, aren't you. Well, let me tell you.

After the jelly donut delivery I was called away from my desk for a while, my prediction earlier about the stressful day, absolutely on the nose! It has been the day from hell, not only is corporate in house, one customer is doing a surveillance audit, the other is briefing us on their quarterly review.

When I returned to my desk the area was empty, just me and the jelly donut. I take a few bites, read an email or two, and reach for my water. As I'm putting the donut back up to take a third bite a piece of frosting falls from the top of the donut down the front of my shirt and lands inside my bra. Ack!! The last thing I want is some crusty piece of frosting melting into my chest.

Assuming that I'm still entirely alone in the area, I reach my hand right down the front of my shirt and pull out the frosting before any damage could be done.

That's when I see him, the maintenance guy, smiling at me from one of the doors to my new inspection area! Totally busted, I smile and ask him if he wants a piece of frosting. I wanted to die. Red faced and smiling, he passed Julie on her way into the area, where I also sat red faced and laughing my head off.


Blogger Jay Noel said...

So Jim sabotaged the doughnut?

10:15 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I bet your readership on this post will go through the roof with people searching the blog engines for jelly donuts and boobs.

12:27 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, I lived through the night, so, I doubt that it was poisoned. I still think he's up to something.

fuzzbox, you are absolutely correct. I just took a look at my site meter, 15 people have landed themselves on my blog in their searches for 'boobs'. LOL

5:36 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

LOL!!! I can't wait to see what he's after....

8:03 AM  
Blogger tsduff said...

ah, those lovely esoteric moments in life (frosting on the boobs)... :-D

1:28 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

Wel look at it this way, you proably made that guys day. ;)
It could have been worse, at least it wasnt the jam that fell down there..

11:08 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

LOL!! Nothing like sticky frosting boobs to turn a guy on. They are so easy!!

11:41 PM  

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