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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Office Gremlins

My friend was back today while I cleaned offices. So bizarre, I can't say for sure if I'm actually seeing what I'm seeing, but, I know something is there.

I was cleaning the big conference room when I seen something black float past the door. I can't even explain it by saying I was looking at it through the corner of my eye because I was looking right in the direction of the door. My eyes were looking at the table as I was wiping it down but I know I seen something pass by the doorway.

For a good minute I stood there, cleaner in one hand, rag in the other, trying to decide if I should bolt or continue on cleaning. In the end I talked myself into finishing the job so I wouldn't have to go back tomorrow.

I know this all sounds like I'm crazy, but I know I'm not imagining this stuff.

In other news: The office has picked up a new resident of some kind. He's a John Wayne buff, apparently, everything in his office from the calendar on the wall to the coffee cup he drinks from has John Wayne on it. I couldn't help but laugh when I seen his picture. (Or so I presume it is a picture of him and his wife.) I totally expected the JWB to be in his 70's or so, but judging by the picture on his desk, he can't be a day over 25, probably right out of college.

The Health Food Fanatic has once again stashed a huge box of Apple Jacks beneath his desk behind the mega power drinks. I can't help but like the guy, nonetheless. Something I've noticed each week as I clean his office, he has 4 photos of his wife in various parts of his office. Each week all 4 photo frames are completely covered in fingerprints, I can't help but find that endearing. I can picture him sitting in his office gazing lovingly at photos of his wife. I know, I'm a sap, but that's what I picture.

The Fat Ass Receptionist spilled her coffee on her desk this week, then hid the mess under her phone, probably too lazy to clean it up. Perhaps she was too stuffed from all the take out food she eats for lunch everyday?? I hate to say it, but, I don't even know this woman and I get feelings of disgust the instant I start cleaning up her work space. Ack!

Interesting observation - for two weeks in a row the bathroom by the front door has had saw dust all over the toilet tank and seat. What the hell?? I'm still wondering about this one. (Yes, in case your wondering, I DO have to clean the bathrooms and scrub toilets. Thank God for rubber gloves!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, sawdust on the toilet? Is there a hole in the ceiling, like for a camera. You read about these things. Or maybe somebody has a fetish for wood carving on their break.
Okay and this is bad, but maybe it's sawdust from a woody. LOL, oh my god I need a life.

I worked with a receptionist too that had so much food in her drawers, there were ants everywhere.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Hmmm.... you have me thinking. This is ALSO the bathroom that has a shower in it.....

This totally makes me think of the book 'The Firm', where that secret group of people have everyone under survielance.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Vodka Absolut said...

FA Receptionist: At least you don't have to see the gunk she has probably dropped into her keyboard.

We have Mac's where i'm at and the keyboards are clear underneath. You can see every morsel that missed their mouth, it's disgusting.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

vodka, that would totally gross me out!

1:41 PM  

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