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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Does this happen to you?

I never know what to do in an uncomfortable situation.

You know that moment..... You walk into a room where people are talking and they suddenly stop, look at you, and say nothing. Of course you notice and sort of stop in your tracks.

Do you keep walking, do you retreat, what do you do?

Every little thing is just magnified to the millionth degree. Your mind is racing, nervous habits and tendencies make themselves known and you are painfully aware of everything.

My shoe is making a noise with each step I take..... I can hear a whistle in my nose as I exhale..... I hope my capri pants don't make me look fat..... My hair is looking kind of flat at the moment, why oh why didn't I put a little gel in it this morning.... Why are they staring at me!! I should just leave right now......


Blogger Jessica said...

So was a roomful of people you knew -- who were talking about you before you walked in -- or was it a roomful of strangers who stopped to look at this new person (you) walking in??

11:46 PM  
Blogger Teriana said...

Stare each one of them directly in the eye one by one. Unless they're sociopaths, they should look away.

12:16 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jessica, it was people I knew but I don't know if they were talking before I walked in. I just walked in and they were staring at me, silent.

teriana, I'll remember that for the next time I'm in that situation.

2:37 PM  

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