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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I've been tagged

(courtesy of W.C. Jack)

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1: Finish reading 'Anna Karenina'
2: Grow old
3: Travel across America
4: Visit Ireland
5: Own a sporty little convertible
6: Live on a lake
7: Finish school

7 things I can do well:
1. Write
2. Read a blue print
3. Work with people
4. Interior decorating
5. Shoot a gun
6. Drive
7. Create Halloween costumes

7 things I cannot do:
1: Vacuum without sucking up stuff that I shouldn't
2: Touch raw meat
3: Watch violent movies
4: Eat mushrooms
5: Talk openly about sex
6: Be around my mom
7: Be mean to someone without feeling bad

7 things that attract me to another person:
1: Smile
2: Intelligence
3: Nice teeth
4: Personality
5: Creativity
6: Nice smelling cologne
7: Kindness

7 things I say most often:
1: I don't think so.
2: Oh My God!
3: You obviously have me mistaken for someone who cares.
4: I said no!
5: Hey Scum.
6: Puh-lease!!
7: Just a sec.

3 screen names I have:
1: sweetums0001
2: receiving inspection goddess
3: casper

3 physical things I like about myself:
1: Smile
2: Baby hands
3: Hair

3 physical things I don't like about myself:
1: Ears
2: Big boobs
3: Feet

3 parts of my heritage:
1: Irish
2: German
3: American Indian

3 things that scare me:
1: Death
2: Bad dreams
3: Dimensia

3 of my everyday essentials:
1: Mt. Dew
2: Laughing
3: Friends

3 of my favorite musicians:
1: Johnny Cash
2: Bob Dylan
3: Lynyrd Skynyrd

3 of my favorite songs:
1: To Be Close to You (Bob Dylan)
2: Are You Gonna Go My Way (Lenny Kravitz)
3: Cecilia (Simon and Garfunkle)

3 things I want in a relationship:
1: Trust
2: Honesty
3: Commitment

3 lies:
1: I don't mind.
2: Sure, I have time.
3: I didn't even see it.

3 of my hobbies right now:
1: Writing.
2: Reading.
3: Photography.

3 things I want to do really badly now (with a special someone):
1: Talk late into the night
2: Watch a movie
3: Share a special moment

3 careers I've considered doing:
1: Beautician
2: Teacher
3: Social Worker

3 places I would like to go on vacation to:
1: Hawaii
2: Mexico
3: Australia

3 kid's names I like:
1: Wyatt
2: Emily
3: Hannah

3 ways that I'm a stereotypical guy:
1: I'm mechanically inclined.
2: I often say the wrong thing.
3: I'm handy around the house.

3 ways that I'm a stereotypical girl:
1: I won't leave the house without my hair done and make-up on.
2: I Can Be Sensitive
3: I Worry About My Weight

3 people I would like to see take this quiz:

I'm going to leave this up to my readers. :D
If you would like to take the quiz, I would love to see your answers.


Blogger LBseahag said...

I love these things...and cool to see you are like me in a lot of ways!

11:22 AM  

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