I was just thinking.....

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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Miss me??

Boy, it's been a while, hasn't it. I've definitely got to get back into my blogging routine again. I miss it.

Do people still blog anymore?

It has been my curse for many years that people tend to divulge all sorts of information to me, most of which I'd never care to know to begin with. The hardest part of being a fashionista is the fact that I'm now forced to small talk my way through sales and keep husbands and boyfriends occupied while their wives and girlfriends wander through the store looking for the latest styles.

On Wednesday I waited on a man and his wife who were shopping for an outfit for the wife to wear to a wedding.

In the period of time it took for the wife to try on a few outfits and use the bathroom I learned that the husband had been a single dad, his wife had left him when his 2 kids were 8 and 11, he had been a respiratory therapist up until November when he came down with a respiratory disease, he had been mistaken for Hank Williams Jr. on several occasions in the past, he had formerly sported long black hair that drove the women wild, and he had only been married to his current wife for 2 years.

I think he may have been trying to hit on me, actually. Yikes!

The store manager happened to be standing by the register when the husband went into his detailed account of his Hank Williams Jr. days. I could see her, through the corner of my eye, staring openly at this guy in disbelief, mouth agape.

Apparently nobody EVER tells her the intimate details of their every day life. I told her she was lucky.

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