Fat in a Thin World
I feel completely insulted by my mother-in-law.
While I know she was probably just doing it to be nice, I find her 'kindness' to be completely inappropriate.
The instant I seen here today the first words out of her mouth were "Are you losing your job?" No 'hello, how are you', just 'are you losing your job??'. I stood there, stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed that she chose to do this in front of several people.
"Yes, I am." I didn't know what else to say.
"I was at the dollar store today and found something, I picked it up for you...." she has turned on her heel and started heading into her bedroom. In a split second she's back with a package of size 13 underwear in her hands. Did the loss of my jobe invoke such a pity in her that she felt I may not be able to affort underwear for my poverty stricken self? And, just how huge did she think I was?
A Size 13?!
I'm not anything close to being a size 13 in underwear! I'm insulted, but I try to keep my calm. "I think these are a bit too big." Why is it that thin people look at someone who is chubby and do this kind of stuff?? They buy stuff that is 3 times too big then insist it will fit you.
"Sherri, these aren't that big, look, they almost fit me," she replies, pulling a pair of underwear from the package and holding them about her waist. Everyone is staring at us. I want to just die.
I would rather be alone then be with people like her.
While I know she was probably just doing it to be nice, I find her 'kindness' to be completely inappropriate.
The instant I seen here today the first words out of her mouth were "Are you losing your job?" No 'hello, how are you', just 'are you losing your job??'. I stood there, stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed that she chose to do this in front of several people.
"Yes, I am." I didn't know what else to say.
"I was at the dollar store today and found something, I picked it up for you...." she has turned on her heel and started heading into her bedroom. In a split second she's back with a package of size 13 underwear in her hands. Did the loss of my jobe invoke such a pity in her that she felt I may not be able to affort underwear for my poverty stricken self? And, just how huge did she think I was?
A Size 13?!
I'm not anything close to being a size 13 in underwear! I'm insulted, but I try to keep my calm. "I think these are a bit too big." Why is it that thin people look at someone who is chubby and do this kind of stuff?? They buy stuff that is 3 times too big then insist it will fit you.
"Sherri, these aren't that big, look, they almost fit me," she replies, pulling a pair of underwear from the package and holding them about her waist. Everyone is staring at us. I want to just die.
I would rather be alone then be with people like her.