Apparently, fascinating enough to monopolize 45 minutes of my medical terminology class tonight.
The class began normal enough. Everyone was required to give a little info about themselves during role call, just enough to familiarize themselves with each other and the instructor.
My name was called, I raised my hand, and explained to the class that I had 3 kids, ages 13, 5, and 8 weeks. I heard gasps to my right and Glenda chuckle at the next table.
(Yes, I was thrilled to see a familiar face when I entered the class tonight. Glenda worked at
Reptron with me!)
I then explained how I had been one of the displaced workers at
Reptron and had decided to change my occupation after seeing what was happening in the manufacturing realm.
From there it all becomes a blur.......
It's amazing how disgruntled people become when it comes to plant closures and outsourcing. This stuff hasn't even happened to them and they are more angry then I am.
Interesting Fact of the Day: One of the first guys I ever dated was a guy named Jeff. He had been dating a girl named April when we first met, something I was not aware of until years after the fact. He had dumped April to go out with me, and I had dumped him because I really wasn't into him.
I'll bet you can guess where I'm going with this, can't you.......
April was in my class tonight. I had even sat 2 seats down from her without even realizing it was her. I'm certain she has no idea who I am, but it still made me feel uncomfortable. To top it off, when it was her turn to tell the class about herself, she began by telling everyone she was divorced and living back at home again with her kids hoping to get an education and make a better life for herself.