I totally splurged on myself and my husband last weekend. I
love income tax refund checks!
Saturday had started out to be a pretty terrible day. Charlie and I had gotten into an argument over something he had said, and I really wasn't in the mood to shop. Which, in thinking about it now, is the BEST time for me to shop. I'm crabby, to the point, and not willing to take any crap from anyone.
Let's just say, I got some really good deals on Saturday.
We started our journey looking for a decent, good quality, mattress and box spring set. After 3 stores I had finally found exactly what I was looking for, on sale, and the guy even waived the sales tax. I am wise to his little scheme, however. He had stated to us that the mattress sets we were looking at were on clearance, the new series was due to arrive within the next month. So, he went back to his computer to fetch a clearance price and let me know that only one queen set was left in the warehouse. (At this point, I still had not told him I was interested in purchasing the set.) I thought about it for a while, as he watched us walk about the store looking at headboards and such, and finally told him I was going to purchase the set. Amazingly enough, the final price for the 'clearance' mattress set happened to be the exact same sale price that was listed on the tag, imagine that! Really, the only thing he did was deduct the sales tax off. Now, I'm not complaining in the least, that was and extra $50 I didn't have to spend, but, how stupid did he think I was??
We ended up with a pillow top Sealy Posturpedic, out the door at $649. Excellent deal!! The equivalent set at one of the first stores we stopped at listed it at $1200.
The second bargain came at the first furniture store we stopped at. I had really liked a headboard they had displayed on sale, and didn't see anything else that had even remotely caught my eye. So, I went back. Upon my return I discovered the sales guys hungry for business and willing to wheel and deal until they sold me something. So, still cranky and arguing with my husband, I went in there with one purpose. To get the best deal I could possibly get on the headboard I wanted.
And I did! $742 for a solid oak headboard, foot board, and rails.
Naturally, as you can imagine, I couldn't just stop there. I had to have all new bedding too! I'm totally in love with this new set, too. It's a light taupe brushed suede (soft as a cloud) comforter with matching sheets and pillow shams. I've never had anything so nice before, I don't even want my kids anywhere near my bed!
Sunday, Charlie suggested to complement the new room, would I like to paint it and pretty it up a bit. He's never offered to help me, ever, so I jumped on it. All day yesterday we painted, wall papered, cleaned. It looks fabulous in there. I'm just so thrilled. I went with burgundy walls and an almond oil ceiling. Very sharp, and it just goes beautifully with my new bedding. I'm definitely going to have to take some pictures and post them. It turned out so well!
Oh, I totally forgot what I had started writing this about!
When you look your worst, you see everyone! On Sunday I decided not to do a thing with my appearance, I was just painting anyway. So, I take a shower, get dressed, and head to the store to pick up paint.
Wouldn't you know it, I see a million people! Every single one of them wanting to stand around and chit chat! I wanted to die. A 10 minute trip into Lowe's took an hour and 20 minutes.
Let's just hope I don't end up in some fashion magazine somewhere with a black bar across my eyes.